Sims Metal is committed to equal opportunities for all, irrespective of age, religion or sexual orientation, ethnic or national origin, gender, race, disability and in line with the 2010 Equalities Act.  Our commitment is based on strong ethical beliefs because we value a diverse customer base and the individualism each employee brings to our business.

We expect all employees to be responsible for upholding Sims Metal’s commitment to diversity and fair treatment through their behaviour. All employees are expected to promote the principles and values of Diversity and Fair Treatment in all aspects of their work with Sims Metal.

Our aim is that all employees are able to work in an environment that is free from discrimination, harassment or bullying. The principles of fairness and objectivity will be integrated into all of the ways in which we manage our employees. Sims Metal will not accept or ignore unfair decisions, practices or requirements that qualify or exclude an individual from meeting essential employment requirements. They include, but are not limited to, a person’s age, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin or community background, gender, sexual orientation, family status, religion or belief, disability, real or suspected living with HIV/AIDS, differing working patterns, political/religious affiliation, ex-offender status or membership/non-membership of a Trade Union. Training is undertaken to ensure both that employees understand this policy and that their behaviour is appropriate and in line with our commitment.

UK Gender Pay Report

Our UK gender pay details are available to download here.

View Report