We accept all metals for recycling from households, including cars, steel, copper etc.
Consumer and household scrap metal is accepted at our UK scrap metal yards.
If you are not a business, but an individual with household metal waste which you would like to recycle then we offer the following support and services:
- We DO accept individuals bringing scrap metal items to our sites
- We MAY accept individuals bringing certain waste electronics and electrical (WEEE) items to our sites; please contact your local site for clarification.
- We DON’T collect items from individuals if it is less than 3 tonnes – please contact your local site for clarification.
- We MAY in some circumstances collect from an individual IF your items weigh more than 3 tonnes; please contact your local site for clarification.
No, you must be in your own vehicle. We do not accept items from people on foot or in taxis.
You can bring your metal waste along to one of our sites and we will take this from you. We will pay you for your items based on the current metals market price. You must have the appropriate personal identification on you as we will need to record your information and the items you have brought to us.
Sims does not offer a collection service for small metal items (under 3 tonnes of weight).
No, please just come down to our sites with your items. Check your local site page information for opening times and items we accept.
You must bring a form of photographic identification with you, as we will need to record your information and the items you have brought to us.
The ID documents that we are able to accept are as follows:
Photo ID
- Valid UK photo driving licence
- Valid UK passport
- Valid EEA passport
- Valid EEA National ID card
If your photo ID does not have a current address, it must be accompanied by:Proof of address which must be less than 3 months old
- Bank or building society statement
- Credit or debit card statement
- Council tax demand letter or statement
- Utility bill (not a mobile phone bill)
Along with your ID (see above) we will also need the log book for the car you are scrapping.
Call 0800 008 7223
Alternative, contact your local site directly to discuss possible collection services.
Get in Touch
Call to find out more about Sims Metal’s scrap metal dealing policy.
Call 0800 008 7223

Preventing Metal Theft
The Legal Facts of Cashless Trading
Cashless trading came into force in December 2012 as part of the implementation of the updated Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishing of Offenders Act, 2012.
The Act banned the use of cash in the trading of all scrap metal within England and Wales. It is now an offense to pay people in cash.
Note that Itinerant Collectors are not exempt from the cash ban, unless they have been granted an order under section 3.1 of the Scrap Metal Dealers Act by the Local Authority and the local Police Chief.
Vehicle dismantlers buying end-of-life vehicles (ELVs or scrap cars) for parts brokerage are still able to pay in cash.
Keep updated on cashless trading by visiting the BMRA website.
Operation Tornado
Operation Tornado is a scheme which requires anyone selling scrap metal to participating dealers to provide photographic proof of identity. The scheme was developed in partnership with the British Metals Recycling Association (BMRA), the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), the Home Office, and Northumbria, Durham and Cleveland Police. Read more about Operation Tornado on the British Transport Police website.
The New Scrap Metal Dealers Act
The new Scrap Metal Dealers Act (SMDA) came into effect in Autumn 2013. At that time Itinerant Collectors and Vehicle Dismantlers will be wholly subject to the cash ban.
The new SMDA will also make the necessity for identification, at point of sale, a legal condition. The likelihood is the requirements for proof of identification will be very similar to those required, now, by Operation Tornado.
Sims is currently working to Operation Tornado standards and requires the following forms of identification:
- A valid Great Britain or Northern Ireland Photocard Driving License
- A valid U.K. or EEA state Passport and a utility bill (not mobile phone), bank or building society statement, credit or debit card statement, council tax demand letter or statement which is no more than 3 months old.
What you will need
- A bank account
- Visa debit card – although Sims can offer cheques for payment
- Identification, which can either be:
- A valid Great Britain or Northern Ireland Photocard Driving Licence OR
- A valid U.K. or EEA state Passport and a utility bill (not mobile phone), bank or building society statement, credit or debit card statement, council tax demand letter or statement which is no more than 3 months old.
Get in Touch
Call to find out more about Sims Metal’s scrap metal dealing policy.