As a recycling company for over 100 years, sustainability is embedded into the very soul of Sims, permeating everything we do. Our goal is simple: We aim to be the world’s safest and most responsible recycling company by:

  • developing a zero harm workplace for employees and all visitors to our facilities
  • being an exemplary member of the communities in which we operate
  • being responsible stewards of the environment

A Look Back

At Sims, sustainability and corporate responsibility are not activities we pursue separately from our core businesses. These concepts are fully integrated and deeply ingrained in our culture.

Sims’ operational philosophy revolves around the five principles of safety, health, environment, community and sustainability.

All of our employees understand that safety comes first—and that our employee health is a key determinant of safety. As industrial operators with many global facilities, we respect the environment and support the communities in which we work. As recyclers, we are firmly committed to operating under the umbrella of sustainability.

Sims has always been at the center of the “circular economy,” recovering and recycling products and materials to ensure maximum value and minimize waste. The world has changed a lot over the past century, but Sims has consistently been a groundbreaking force and an innovator, and is universally recognized as an international leader in the transformation of discarded consumer products into valuable secondary resources.

A Look Ahead

At Sims, our core business has always been – and remains – the “closed-loop” circular flow of metals and, more recently, of electronics, to continually extract value. As the world comes to grips with climate change and a rapidly surging middle class, pressure on resources will continue. This presents an even stronger business case for recycling.

The nature of our business, our global reach, our leadership and the commitment of our employees all point to a future of sustainable innovation and growth. Moving briskly toward embracing “circular economy” principles is the road to value creation for tomorrow’s leaner, fitter, more resilient, and transparent company. We are progressing on this journey with haste.